Sunday, May 10, 2009

To Boldly Go...

See Star Trek.

I am not a Trekkie. Yes, I have seen all of the movies, all of The Next Generation TV series, and most of the original series' episodes. No, I have never been to a Star Trek convention.

If you have never seen a single Star Trek episode or movie, still... SEE THIS MOVIE!

I could wax poetic about the quality of the acting. I could go on about how the filmmakers chose relative unknowns for the lead roles, allowing all involved to truly reboot the pantheon without the stigma of past Star Trek experiences or the burdensome cachet a well-known actor or actress would impose upon the film. I could criticize the script, with holes so large you could pilot a Romulan mining ship through, but the movie was so much fun and so memorable that none of that matters -- in fact, the thing people criticize most (time travel shenanigans always leave a sour taste) actually opens the door for a whole new Star Trek continuum, and I will not say what it is that happens, but Star Trek fans who see the film will know as soon as the end credits roll that all that follows this film will be wholly new.

See this movie.  It's about as much fun as any movie I've seen in memory, and again, I'm not a Trekkie. Do yourself a favor and buy a ticket.

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